GPU Comparison Report: Host PC

Summary of results

The table and chart below show the peak performance of various GPUs using the same MATLAB version. Your results (if any) are highlighted in bold in the table and on the chart. All other results are from pre-stored data. The peak performance shown is usually achieved when dealing with extremely large arrays. Typical performance in day-to-day use will usually be much lower.

Results captured using the CPUs on the host PC (i.e. without using a GPU) are included for comparison.

Since MATLAB works mostly in double precision the devices are ranked according to how well they perform double-precision calculations. Single precision results are included for completeness. For all results, higher is better.

Results for data-type 'double'
Results for data-type 'single'
Quadro K60001092.86421.36160.043017.89831.15334.22
Host PC137.1299.419.43250.68192.9514.43
Quadro 200038.3433.7714.10223.55133.5649.63
GeForce GT 750M27.2122.6113.21349.1483.4459.63
(click any device name or result to see the detailed data)

Generated by gpuBench v1.7: 2015-03-12 15:58:41